Saturday, 29 September 2012

art and features adelaide

 buildings in the city are a great FREE experience for every one to see the historical context behind these buildings

 This is the amazing Parliament building on the streets of the city. Most well know as a place to get wedding pictures taken for the newly weds or a place like for me a tourist spot to take photos.

 The Adelaide arcade is a very old building. my father use to go in this arcade when he was younger. Look at all the old wigs and the checked floors. love little red riding hood

graffiti adelaide

 I am sitting in the office, typing up my blog, when  i briefly take a glimpse at the photos i have taken of all of the amazing art though out the city and i thought you might enjoy the great art work people are really capable of and help to produce such an art friendly city.

little redriding hood

train ride into adelaide city

Its early morning and me and my step mum head into the city for a girls day of site seeing.Adelaide has some amazing features but the trains and the trams are one of my favourite.

This is the new hospital for Adelaide witch is in the mix of being built.The train is going to stop soon but i will keep you all posted on my adventures in Adelaide city.
little red riding hood

china town

 Just got off the plane and stopped into china town for a feed.The historical and cultural context behind china and it people is something to take your time to look at. I am a google sort of girl and please, we are in 2012, who doesn't use google instead of looking a book or a dictionary, or who adds up at prices while strolling though Woolworth's. I have to say  BUBBLE TEA tops the chart drinks wise.Coconut tea with luchee jelly -yummy.

 nutella, come on who doesn't love nutella. But, for 5 kilos for $67.92 it totally put me off. That could by me a whole carton full of nutella with a signed signature from the makers and a free pass to go see the factory.


freezing my tots of on the streets of adelaide city. stopped off at arOma cafe to grabb a chai latte with soy milk to warm me up before we get out shop on .

little red riding hood (sydney-adelaide)

The last trip was over and now i am finally that one step closer to reaching my home town.
 viewing the land was great. well...... You think it looks hot from up here until you step that one foot offer the plane and the tip of your nose starts to freeze.

finally we where here and my adventure has only just began
Joy rushes though my body as the thump on the wheels hit adelaide airport grounds.Dust flew offer the back on the wheels when the hostess anounces our arrival and thanks us for flying with virgin airways.
 i will keep you posted little red riding hood